Spotted Turtle



DIETInsects, snails, worms, crustaceans, tadpoles, algae, and leaves

RANGESoutheastern Canada and Eastern North America

HABITATSwamps, shallow lakes, bogs, streams, ponds, and marshes

Spotted Turtle

Physical Description

Spotted turtles are semi-aquatic and grow to be 3-5 inches long. Their carapace is smooth and black with yellow spots. Males will have dark pigment on the hard portions of their jaws, while the females will have yellow coloring on their jaws.


Some of their most common predators are raccoons and muskrats.


This species has been known to live 30 years or more.


Spotted turtles begin breeding in mid-spring, when the males begin pursuing females. The female will search for a meadow or field to dig her nest where she will lay 3-7 eggs which will hatch in 70-80 days.

Fun Facts

  • Hatchlings will only have 1 spot on each scute, while adults will have over 100 spots.
  • Temperature during incubation determines what gender hatchlings will be. Warmer temperatures produce females, while cooler temperatures produce males.

Conservation Messaging

In our Reptile and Amphibian (RAD) center you will find many different reptiles and amphibians including venomous and poisonous species of snakes and frogs. Many of these animals fall victim to habitat loss in the wild. Many of the species here are found in South American habitats which are subjected to deforestation, damming of rivers, water pollution, and poor agricultural and management practices.

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