
STATUSLeast Concern


DIETRodents, birds, and fish

RANGENorth America

HABITATForests, savannas, shrublands, grasslands, and deserts


Physical Description

A bobcat’s fur is brown with black spots, but it may be grayer during the winter. They are about twice the size of a domestic cat, standing at approximately 2 feet tall at the shoulder and weighing between 20 and 30 lbs. They get their name from their short, stubby, or “bobbed” tail.


Sometimes bobcats may be preyed on by predators that are larger than they are. This can vary depending on where they are found, but some of their predators can include mountain lions, cougars, wolves, coyotes, and dogs.


In the wild, the average lifespan is 10-12 years, but in human care, they can live up tp 25 years.


In April or May after an almost 2 month gestation period, the female will give birth to 2-6 kittens in a protected den. The male will not provide any paternal care. However, the female will nurse the kittens for 2 months, and then travel with them for 3-5 months before they separate from her.

Fun Facts

  • They can take down prey up to 10 times their size!
  • When hunting, they put their back feet in the same spot their front feet were to reduce noise.

Conservation Messaging

Bobcats are highly adaptable and can be found in many different habitats all across the United States, Canada, and Mexico. While bobcats are considered a species of least concern according to the IUCN Red List, they are facing habitat loss.

The best way for us to help sustain the habitat they do have, is to “Leave No Trace”. Once you leave nature, no one should know that you’ve been there. This means bringing out anything that you’ve brought in. Additionally, leaving the environment unaltered is equally

important. To learn more about the Leave no Trace initiative and their 7 principles for minimum impact practices, visit:

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