
STATUSLeast Concern


DIETSnowshoe hare, porcupine, squirrels, birds, amphibians, insects, fruits, nuts, and carrion

RANGEQuebec, Canada down to Northeast and Midwest of the United States

HABITATMature coniferous forests and mixed coniferous-deciduous forests with old growth and an abundant canopy


Physical Description

Fishers have short, stubby legs; a wedge-shaped head; and dark brown fur grading to brownish underbelly with white patches around neck or throat. Their body is long, slender, and low to the ground like other members of the Mustelid family. Males are much larger than females. On average, males will weigh 10-12 lb, and females will weigh 5-7 lb.


Predators for the fisher can include the Great horned owl, Canadian lynx, bobcat and black bear.


Fishers have an average lifespan of 10 years.


Males will mate with many females and do not help with raising their offspring. The female will have a delayed implantation period of about 10 months followed by a gestation period of about 2 months. Typically, 1-6 kits will be born in a litter, and they will be completely helpless at birth because they are born blind and naked.

Fun Facts

  • Though they are sometimes called the “Fisher Cat,” they are not actually in the cat family. As part of the Mustelid family, they are related to otters and weasels.
  • They are one of only a few predators that will prey on porcupines.

Conservation Messaging

Fishers are forest dwelling members of the weasel family. Fishers call the coniferous and mixed conifer forests of Canada and the Northern U.S. home but unfortunately, fishers are facing threats to their habitat. These threats include excessive logging and clearing land for infrastructure, in addition to trapping for their fur.

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