Grant’s Zebra

Physical Description

Grant’s Zebras are roughly 5 feet tall and can weigh up to 800 lbs. Each zebra has a unique stripe pattern of black or brown and white stripes. Zebras have dark skin, black hooves, and dense fur, potentially to protect against the harsh African sun.


Common predators for zebras are lions, hyenas, leopards, cheetahs, and African wild dogs. When threatened, the herd will often form a circle around the most vulnerable members. Nearly 50% of calves are lost due to predation.


In the wild, they usually live 20-25 years, but under human care, they can live 30-40 years.


Births, usually a single foal, can occur any time of the year, and the gestation period is 360-396 days. Foals weigh 66-77 lbs at birth, are striped brown and cream, and can stand and nurse very soon after birth.

Fun Facts

  • Within each herd are cohesive family sub-groups composed of one stallion, several mares, and young zebras. Mares normally stay in the same family group for their lifetime.
  • Zebras will sleep in turns so that some members of the herd are always awake.

Conservation Messaging

Our Ostriches and Zebras are found throughout different areas of Africa. Like many other animals in Africa, habitat loss has been increasing due to human encroachment. Agriculture, infrastructure, and resource extraction are just a few of the contributions to the destruction of wildlife habitats in Africa. One thing that we can do is support sustainable agriculture practices.

By purchasing products that are certified by organizations such as the Rainforest Alliance and Bird Friendly, you are helping in the conservation of forests and habitats around the world.

Three Banded Armadillo (Southern)

NOTE: Education Animals are “behind-the-scenes” animals & only appear to the public during Educational events. This includes scheduled events or programs such as daily animal mingles, private onsite programs, and zoo reaches. For more information, please reach out to

Program and General Information

Southern three-banded armadillos can be found in Central South America, primarily in Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, and Paraguay. They can reach lengths up to 12-14 inches long (from nose to tip of tail) and weigh up to 3 pounds. Males are generally heavier than females. Three-banded armadillos are blackish-brown in color with yellowish white hair on the underside and are relatively small compared to other armadillo species.

Armadillos are the only mammals covered by an outer body of armor made up of bony plates and covered in keratin. Three- banded armadillos get their name from the three bands that run along the mid- section of their back armor plates, although they can have anywhere from 2-4 bands. Their primary diet consists of beetle larvae, ants, and termites, but they will also occasionally snack on ripe fruit.

Although mostly solitary, three-banded armadillos will come together during breeding season. Breeding is believed to occur between October and January. After a gestation of about four months, females give birth to a single baby. Young armadillos nurse for about two and a half months and mature between 9 and 12 months of age.


Hairs underneath their body, a strong sense of smell, and well-developed hearing allow the armadillo to detect both predator and prey. They can smell worms up to eight inches below the surface. In the wild they feed primarily on ants, beetle larvae, and termites, which they obtain using their powerful forelegs and claws. In the wet season, they also add fruit into their diet .

A three-banded armadillo uses its long, sharp front claws to dig into termite mounds to feast on the insects inside. It also uses them to break open tree bark to snack on beetle larvae hiding inside.

During the day these armadillos rest in burrows to keep cool and safe, and will come out at night to start looking for food. Instead of burrowing like other armadillos, the Southern three-banded armadillo will use an anteater’s burrow after they abandon it. They may also create dens under dense vegetation.

Habitat and Range

Southern three-banded armadillos are found primarily in dry forests and grasslands of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, and Paraguay. They can also be found in and around agricultural fields.

Although mainly nocturnal, armadillos may be a bit more active during the day when the weather is cooler.

Common Physical Features

Three-banded armadillos are smaller than other species of armadillos, reaching lengths of only about 12-14 inches and weighing up to 3 pounds. They are various shades of black-brown and have yellowish white hair on their underside. Males are typically larger/heavier than females. Three-banded armadillos are distinguishable by the 3 large bands that run along their midsection. While their forefeet each have four separate toes, the three central toes of their hind feet are fused together, almost like a hoof. These claws are very powerful and are used to dig to find insects.

Adaptations: The armadillo’s “armor” or carapace is made out of tough leathery skin and dermal plates (called osteoderms) which are divided into three sections: a scapular shield, a pelvic shield, and a series “bands” around the mid-section. Each band is connected by a fold of skin that allows for the bands to move apart, so the armadillo can roll into a ball. The dermal plates provide a tough yet flexible covering accounting for 16% of the armadillo’s total body weight. The armadillo’s head is also covered in keratinous scales, the same material that makes up our fingernails and hair, but their ears and underside lack any protective armor.

They have a long and tapered snout used to project their tongues in and out in order to forage for insects. Like most insect eating mammals, their tongues are very long and sticky to slurp up insects quickly. Insects are captured by digging up underground nests and/or tearing the bark off of rotting trees and turning over rotting leaf piles. The long, sharp claws on the front legs of the armadillo are

made of keratin, which makes them very strong for digging. Armadillos also have wiry hairs on their sides and bellies that act like feelers to help the armadillos sense any prey beneath them.

Unlike other armadillos who cannot completely close up into their shells, when frightened three-banded armadillos will roll up almost all the way until their armor forms a trap. The Brazilian and the Southern three banded armadillos are the only two species that can curl into a complete ball. Their tails fit alongside their heads perfectly like a yin and yang symbol The carapace is not attached to the skin on the two sides, allowing the head, legs and tail to tuck inside when the animal rolls into a ball. Rather than sealing completely shut, they often leave their armor partially open. If a predator tries to penetrate the shell to reach the soft underbelly, the armadillo can quickly snap shut on the intruder. The shell also helps protect them from the thorny vegetation that armadillos frequently pass through. Since the shell can close tight, air becomes trapped inside that is then warmed by body heat, thus keeping the armadillo warm in colder temperatures.

Behavior and Life Cycle

Three-banded armadillos are solitary creatures that prefer to spend their time alone, but when the weather is cold they have been observed gathering in groups of up to 12 individuals. They will also come together for breeding season. Not much is known about the breeding behavior of the three-banded armadillo, but it is believed that breeding season occurs between October and January.

After a gestation of about 120 days, a female will give birth to a single offspring. The infant armadillo looks like a smaller version of the adult, but has softer scutes. Babies are born blind but quickly develop the ability to walk and close their shells. Young armadillos are raised by the female only, and are

independent in just 72 days. After leaving its mother’s care, a young southern three-banded armadillo may share a home range with its mother for a short time. They will mature in 9-12 months.

There slow reproductive rate makes it challenging for the three-banded armadillo to recover from population declines.

Conservation Messaging

Conservation of the Natural World

As of 2013, three-banded armadillos have been listed as near threatened. The greatest threats facing this species are habitat destruction and hunting pressures. Given the low reproductive rate, populations that have been harvested for the meat or have been disrupted by habitat loss may take a long time to recover.

Southern three-banded armadillos are occasionally hunted by people for food, scute collecting, or the pet trade. Their defense strategy of curling into a ball makes these armadillos easy for humans to catch, meaning that humans can potentially become a major threat to southern three-banded armadillos.

What can we do?: One way you can help is by buying sustainable products. Products such as chocolate and coffee that come from the rainforest can be harvested in a more sustainable way. Instead of buying these products from sources that may be contributing to the destruction of the rainforest through destructive harvesting, look for options that help aid conservation efforts by using sustainably sourced ingredients.

By purchasing products from certified organizations such as Bird Friendly, you are helping in the conservation of forests and habitats around the world! Another way you can help is by limiting the amount of waste you accumulate. See if you can reuse something before you throw it away. If we all do this, the demand for resources found in the rainforest may decrease, helping to preserve the sloths’ one and only home. Remember: “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!”

Along with being hunted for their shells and meat, armadillos are also captured for the illegal pet trade. Never remove an animal from the wild! Removing them from their natural environment can be detrimental to the wild populations. And while you may think they are cute, armadillos would NOT make a good pet. They have a lot of special requirements including proper nutrients, space, heating, lighting, humidity, etc. Caring for an armadillo is hard work, and the majority of people are not properly equipped to handle them.

Fun Facts

  • Usually only seven of these armadillos found in a square km
  • They’re closest relatives are sloths and anteaters.
  • They are roughly the size of a soccer ball!
  • Armadillo is a Spanish word meaning “little armored one,” referring to the bony plates that cover much of an armadillo’s body. These bony plates are made of keratin – the same protein that makes up our hair and nails!
  • Of the 20 species of armadillo, this is the only one that can roll up completely in a ball.
  • The male’s penis is one of the longest among mammals, extending two-thirds of the body length in some species.
  • This species has less chromosomes than other species (2n = 38 compared to others: 2n = 50-64).

Striped Skunk

Physical Description

The striped skunk can be anywhere from 8-19 inches long with a tail that is 5-15 inches long, and they typically weigh around 10 lbs. Their distinct black body with 2 white stipes helps to warn predators against approaching them. Two glands that are located near the base of their tail produce the foul smelling, oily musk that they will spray at potential threats. Their spray can reach a distance of up to 10 feet!


Most predators, except dogs, will avoid skunks because of the foul, oily musk they produce from their anal glands. Before spraying, they do try warning predators by hissing, stamping, etc.


In the wild, skunks will live an average of 2-3 years, but in human care, they have been known to live 8-12 years.


Skunks are a more solitary species and will usually only come together for breeding from February through April. After mating, the female may become aggressive toward approaching males. After a gestation period of approximately 59-77 days, the female will give birth to 2-10 kits or kittens. Their eyes will open at about 3 weeks old, and they will be weaned at 6-7 weeks old.

Fun Facts

  • Striped skunks will be born blind and helpless, but by the time they are 8 days old, they will be able to spray musk.
  • Skunk size will be affected by where they live geographically as well as the season. During the winter months, they have been known to lose up to half of their body weight!

Conservation Messaging

Most of the time, skunks are feared by people thinking they are pests or will spray if you’re too close. But did you know? Skunks will only spray as an absolute last defense and will give several warning signs before they do. If fully sprayed, it takes them 10 days to replenish their glands which can be costly in the wild.

Skunks are actually very beneficial to farmers, gardeners, and landowners. Skunks feed on pests such as mice and insects which in turn can help crops and plants thrive!

Some well-meaning people will trap and relocate these pesky animals but the truth is, trapping rarely ends well for wildlife and is not a long term solution. If wild animals are not causing damage or posing danger, the best solution is to coexist!

Linnaeus’s Two-Toed Sloth

NOTE: Education Animals are “behind-the-scenes” animals & only appear to the public during Educational events. This includes scheduled events or programs such as daily animal mingles, private onsite programs, and zoo reaches. For more information, please reach out to

Program and General Information

Linnaeus’s two-toed sloths are native to the tropical rainforest canopies in Central and Northern South America. They are arboreal and spend the majority of their time up in the trees. Two-toed sloths can reach up to 21-29 inches long and weigh around 10-20 pounds. The coloration of sloth’s fur varies from gray-brown to beige with a greenish cast due to algae growth, and unlike most animals, their fur grows from their stomach to their back. Sloths are herbivores that eat primarily leaves, flowers, and fruit; they will occasionally eat eggs and insects as well. Breeding season occurs throughout the year with peak season being March-April. After a 10 month gestation period, females will give birth to a single young. The young will stay with their mothers from 9 months – 2 years, after which they will branch off on their own. Females reach maturity at 3 years old, and males at 4-5 years old.


Sloths are herbivores, meaning they eat only plant matter. Their diet consists primarily of leaves, flowers, twigs, and fruit. Sloths may occasionally eat eggs and insects as well. Sloths eat by grasping vegetation with one foot, pulling it to their mouths, and chewing it repeatedly.

Because they live high up in the trees, sloths are able to reach leaves on high, narrow branches that other animals can’t reach. Sloths are nocturnal. They spend about 15 (or more!) hours a day asleep, waking up at night to look for food. In order to find enough food, each sloth has a home range of about 10 acres.

A sloth’s diet isn’t very nutritional, so to compensate it has a large, multi-chambered stomach that is able to hold large quantities of food. they also chew their food for a very long time before swallowing in order to maximize digestibility. Two-toed sloths have one of the slowest digestive rates of any mammal. It takes approximately 30 days for their food to travel through their digestive system; in fact, sloths only poop once a week!

Habitat and Range

Linnaeus’s two-toed slows are native to Central and Northern South America. They are an arboreal species that can be found high up in the tree canopies. Sloths may move to a new tree each night, but typically won’t travel more than 40 yards per night. When sleeping, sloths often curl up in a ball in the fork of a tree.

Sloths curved claws are excellent for climbing, but can make traversing land very difficult. Because of this, sloths rarely leave the trees and only come down if its necessary, like when they need to defecate. Sloths may be clumsy on land but are actually excellent swimmers. They can drop from a tree into a river to swim across it while doing the breaststroke.

Common Physical Features

Linnaeus’s two-toed sloths are 1 of 2 living species of two-toed sloth (the other being Hoffmann’s two-toed sloth). They can grow up to 21-29 inches long and weigh around 10-20 pounds making them slightly larger than the three-toed species. Two-toed sloths get their name from their two front toes; like other sloths, they have three toes on their hindlimbs. The coloration of sloth’s fur varies from gray-brown to beige and is lighter around the face. They have a short, fine undercoat and an overcoat of longer, coarser hair. Their long curved claws allow them to hang from and move across branches and act almost like a safety harness for sloths as they hang. These sloths also have incredibly strong core muscles and can support themselves even when hanging by only two limbs. Two-toed sloths have long, pig-like snouts and can sweat from the very tip of their nose when hot or stressed. They also have hairless pads on their hands and feet.

Adaptations: The sloth is the only mammal whose hair grows in the opposite direction. To accommodate their upside-down lifestyle, the hair parts in the middle of the belly and grows toward the back, which allows rainwater to run off their bodies and prevent them from getting soaked during rainstorms.

Each strand of the sloth’s fur has a unique groove running along the hair shaft that traps moisture. Because sloths are so slow moving and are sedentary for most of their time, the moisture trapped in these grooves helps facilitate algae growth. Algae growth on sloths is considered a mutual symbiotic relationship, a close ecological relationship between individuals of two species that benefits all involved. The moisture in the sloth’s fur provides an excellent home for the algae, and in return this algae causes the sloth’s fur to take on a greenish hue which helps the sloth to camouflage from predators in the green of the tree canopies. Sloth’s fur is also home to a variety of invertebrate species, some of which aren’t found anywhere else in the world. The algae provides food for the invertebrates, and the sloth’s feces provide a perfect home for invertebrates to lay their eggs!

Sloth’s spend about 15 (sometimes more) hours a day sleeping and become most active at night where they will look for food to eat. They have the lowest and most variable body temperature of any mammal, ranging from 74-92 degrees Fahrenheit, due in part to the fact that sloths can’t shiver to keep warm. In order to regulate their temperature, sloths need to move in and out of the sun. If the temperature drops to low, however, sloths are at a risk of dying because the bacteria in their gut will stop working to digest their food.

Their variable body temperature coupled with their reduced muscles and weight allows the sloth to move around without expending a ton of energy, which is important because they do not receive a ton of energy from the food they eat (i.e. leaves and twigs). In order to compensate for this lack of nutrition and to help them conserve more energy, sloths have large, multi-chambered stomachs that can hold huge quantities of food. Sloths chew their food for a very long time before swallowing in order to maximize digestibility, but it can still take up to a month to digest. Although they do not need to expend a ton of energy, the energy that sloths are able to get from their food only allows for very slow movement, which explains their slow-paced lifestyle.

A sloth’s main defense is camouflage, but it can also use its sharp teeth and claws to protect itself. Sloths’ nails and teeth continuously grow throughout their life. Sloth’s nails are actually made out of bone and are covered by a nail sheath. Although they lack true canine teeth, sloths do have sharp teeth for tearing off leaves and bark. In the wild, sloths naturally file down their nails and teeth while moving through the trees and eating.

Sloths have poor eyesight and rely heavily on their sense of smell. Males will scent mark branches to establish a meeting place for breeding.

Behavior and Life Cycle

Linnaeus’s two-toed sloths are generally solitary animals and only come together for breeding. Breeding occurs throughout the year, but peak season is typically March-April. Females appear to initiate breeding and will vocalize via a high-pitched scream to advertise to males she is ready to mate. If more than one male reaches the female at the same tie, they will fight while hanging from their hindlimbs. The winner gets the chance to mate with the female. The mating process only lasts a few seconds, after which the male will leave the female to rear the young. Females will give birth to a single young after a 10 month gestation. The baby climbs onto the mom’s belly and clings while nursing for four to five weeks. Hiding in the mom’s fur provides protection for the vulnerable newborn. Young sloths can begin eating solid food about 10 days after birth and obtain the strength to move on their own after 5 weeks, but will remain with their mothers for up to 9 months. When the young sloth is ready to branch out on its own, the mother will leave the tree for the young to inherit. Several sloths can live in a similar home range without competing for food or space. Females reach maturity at 3 years old, and males at 4-5 years old.

Conservation Messaging

Conservation of the Natural World
Habitat destruction and human encroachment continue to be major threats to sloth populations. At one point, rainforests covered almost 40% of the earth’s surface, but excessive logging and burning has reduced that percentage to only 6%. Every second approx. one and a half acres of rainforest are lost to unsustainable agricultural practices.

The fragmentation of the rainforest is forcing sloths to climb down from their trees and drag themselves along the forest floor in order find enough food, which leaves these slow moving animals vulnerable to predation. There is also the possibility that they may get struck by passing cars and trucks when crossing roads built through the rainforest.

Sloths are hunted for their coat, meat, and claws and now face the new threat of being collected as part of the illegal pet trade.

What can we do?: One way you can help is by buying sustainable products. Products such as chocolate and coffee that come from the rainforest can be harvested in a more sustainable way. Instead of buying these products from sources that may be contributing to the destruction of the rainforest through destructive harvesting, look for options that help aid conservation efforts by using sustainably sourced ingredients. By purchasing products from certified organizations such as Bird Friendly or Dove Dark Chocolate, you are helping in the conservation of forests and habitats around the world!

Another way you can help is by limiting the amount of waste you accumulate. See if you can reuse something before you throw it away. If we all do this, the demand for resources found in the rainforest may decrease, helping to preserve the sloths’ one and only home. Remember: “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!”

Along with being hunted for their fur and meat, sloths are also captured for the illegal pet trade. Never remove an animal from the wild! Removing them from their natural environment can be detrimental to the wild populations. And while you may think they would make a cute pet, sloths would NOT make a good pet. They have a lot of special requirements including proper nutrients, space, heating, lighting, humidity, etc. Caring for a sloth is hard work, and the majority of people are not properly equipped to handle them.

Fun Facts

  • The sloth’s internal organs, including stomach, spleen, and liver, are located in different areas due to their upside-down lifestyle.
  • Sloths are related to armadillos and anteaters (all in family Pilosa).
  • Sloths have weak hind legs and are unable to stand or walk. To move on land they must use their strong front legs to crawl and pull their bodies along Although considered solitary, groups of female sloths will sometimes occupy the same tree.
  • A sloth’s voice sounds like the hiss of a deflating balloon, but they can also squeal and grunt as needed.
  • Our sloth uses our scent to identify us since he cant actually see that well. This means we can’t switch up our shampoo or deodorant or he may not recognize us!
  • Bean gets his name from the cocoa and coffee beans found in the rainforest. The pygmy sloth is critically endangered and the maned sloth is vulnerable.
  • Thousands of years ago, large ground sloths roamed the United States. They ranged in size from an average-size dog to that of an elephant!



Physical Description

A bobcat’s fur is brown with black spots, but it may be grayer during the winter. They are about twice the size of a domestic cat, standing at approximately 2 feet tall at the shoulder and weighing between 20 and 30 lbs. They get their name from their short, stubby, or “bobbed” tail.


Sometimes bobcats may be preyed on by predators that are larger than they are. This can vary depending on where they are found, but some of their predators can include mountain lions, cougars, wolves, coyotes, and dogs.


In the wild, the average lifespan is 10-12 years, but in human care, they can live up tp 25 years.


In April or May after an almost 2 month gestation period, the female will give birth to 2-6 kittens in a protected den. The male will not provide any paternal care. However, the female will nurse the kittens for 2 months, and then travel with them for 3-5 months before they separate from her.

Fun Facts

  • They can take down prey up to 10 times their size!
  • When hunting, they put their back feet in the same spot their front feet were to reduce noise.

Conservation Messaging

Bobcats are highly adaptable and can be found in many different habitats all across the United States, Canada, and Mexico. While bobcats are considered a species of least concern according to the IUCN Red List, they are facing habitat loss.

The best way for us to help sustain the habitat they do have, is to “Leave No Trace”. Once you leave nature, no one should know that you’ve been there. This means bringing out anything that you’ve brought in. Additionally, leaving the environment unaltered is equally

important. To learn more about the Leave no Trace initiative and their 7 principles for minimum impact practices, visit: