White Cockatoo

Physical Description

White Cockatoos, also called the Umbrella Cockatoos, are known for their distinct white feathers and their broad, backward-bending crest, which opens like an umbrella and fans out. They can use these crest feathers to communicate with each other. Their average wingspan is 9-12 inches.


They can be preyed on by birds of prey, snakes, and cats.


Cockatoos can live 60 years or more, but some in human care have been known to live over 100 years!


Both parents will help incubate the eggs. Once hatched, the parents will typically only care for the healthier chick. Chicks will learn to fly by the time they are 3 months old, but they will still be dependent on their parents for another 2-3 weeks after that.

Fun Facts

  • Cockatoos are known to be intelligent and have even been seen using branches as tools!
  • They have a beak that is strong enough to break a human finger!

Conservation Messaging

Lorikeets and Cockatoos are often viewed as these beautiful and intelligent birds. While many people will fall in love with exotic birds for that reason, most of these birds are considered vulnerable, threatened, or endangered out in the wild.

By purchasing and owning an exotic animal, you could be supporting the illegal exotic pet trade. What we see is vibrant colors of a parrot or the incredible ability to mimic sound but what we don’t see is how these animals were first illegally poached from the wild. One more exotic pet in captivity is one less animal in the wild which is resulting in species population numbers dropping drastically.

Dart Frog

Physical Description

There are around 200 different species of poison dart frogs, and they are known for having a wide variety of different, brightly colored patterns. They can range in size from 0.75 to 1.5 inches in length.


Because of a built-up resistance to the dart frog poison, their only natural predator is the fire-bellied snake.


Poison Dart Frogs live an average of 3-5 years in the wild, but they have been known to live 10-20 years in human care.


Breeding times depend on rainfall, but they can typically breed year-round. Rituals vary by species but most include an elaborate courtship that can last several hours. The female will lay clutches of eggs ranging from 1-30 eggs in a moist environment, and both parents typically help the eggs stay moist until they hatch in 2-4 weeks. Some parents will then carry their tadpoles on their backs to a water source where they will stay for the next 6-12 weeks until their metamorphosis is complete.

Fun Facts

  • Poison Dart Frogs earned their name because native people were known to rub blow darts and arrowheads on the three most toxic species of dart frogs in order to add poison to their weapons.
  • Their bright colors serve as a warning to let predators know they have poison and should be avoided. They are unable to produce their own poison and instead use toxins from the insects they eat which have consumed plants with toxins.

Conservation Messaging

In our Reptile and Amphibian (RAD) center you will find many different reptiles and amphibians including venomous and poisonous species of snakes and frogs. Many of these animals fall victim to habitat loss in the wild. Many of the species here are found in South American habitats which are subjected to deforestation, damming of rivers, water pollution, and poor agricultural and management practices.

Dusky Pygmy Rattlesnake

Physical Description

The dusky pygmy rattlesnake is a venomous snake and grows to be 15-22 inches long with a thick body. Their color will range from light gray to dark gray with black, reddish brown, and/ or orange blotches.


Some predators they may encounter include raptors, mammals, and other snakes.


They live an average of 20 years.


They are ovoviviparous, which means that the female produces eggs she carries and hatches internally and gives live birth. Eggs will internally incubate for 4-6 months. In late summer or early fall, the female will give birth to 5-8 offspring.

Fun Facts

  • Because the dusky pygmy rattlesnake is so small and never has more than a few rattles on its tail, the shaking of their “rattle” sounds more like a buzzing sound.
  • This species will use heat sensing pits on their faces to locate warm-blooded prey.

Conservation Messaging

In our Reptile and Amphibian (RAD) center you will find many different reptiles and amphibians including venomous and poisonous species of snakes and frogs. Many of these animals fall victim to habitat loss in the wild. Many of the species here are found in South American habitats which are subjected to deforestation, damming of rivers, water pollution, and poor agricultural and management practices.

Eastern Rat Snake

NOTE: Education Animals are “behind-the-scenes” animals & only appear to the public during Educational events. This includes scheduled events or programs such as daily animal mingles, private onsite programs, and zoo reaches. For more information, please reach out to edureservations@lvzoo.org.

Physical Description

Eastern rat snakes are nonvenomous snakes that can grow to be 3-7 feet long. Their backs will have black scales while their bellies will have lighter colored scales often in a checkerboard pattern.


Some of their predators include hawks, great horned owls, and free-ranging domestic cats.


They have been known to live an average of 10-30 years.


Breeding occurs from May to June with egg-laying occurring in June or July. The female will lay 5-19 eggs which will hatch in 60-65 days.

Fun Facts

  • Eastern rat snakes are the most commonly seen snakes in Virginia.
  • This species is both terrestrial and arboreal, will hibernate underground or in deep crevices, and are even able to swim.

Conservation Messaging

In our Reptile and Amphibian (RAD) center you will find many different reptiles and amphibians including venomous and poisonous species of snakes and frogs. Many of these animals fall victim to habitat loss in the wild. Many of the species here are found in South American habitats which are subjected to deforestation, damming of rivers, water pollution, and poor agricultural and management practices.

Egyptian Goose

Physical Description

Egyptian geese average 25-29 inches in height, and they can weigh from 3-5 lbs. Their average wingspan is 15 inches. Egyptian geese have long necks, long pink legs, a pink bill, black tails, and brown eye patches encircling each eye.


Some predators they may face include lions, cheetahs, hyenas, crocodiles, and vultures.


In the wild, they live an average of 15 years, but in human care they have been known to live up to 35 years.


Males are aggressive during the mating season and will perform elaborate and noisy courtship displays. They are primarily monogamous, and a mated pair will nest alone in dense vegetation, holes, or simply on the ground. About 5-12 eggs will be laid and then will be incubated for 28-30 days. Fledging occurs about 70 days after hatching.

Fun Facts

  • Because the males and females are so close in size, the best way to determine their gender is by listening to their vocalizations. Males will make more of a whistle sound, while females will have more of a cackle.
  • Egyptian Geese usually settle in one pond, lake, stream or river for their entire lives, unless predators become too abundant or drought occurs.

Conservation Messaging

Here at our duck pond, we welcome all species of native migratory birds. You can see different species of ducks and waterfowl as they migrate with the seasons. Our resident waterfowl have learned to coexist and share their habitat with these birds because they serve them a purpose. As with most birds, these migratory species are excellent at seed dispersal allowing a diverse plant community to form within their habitat as well as many other habitats.


Physical Description

The average emu height is 4.9-6.2 feet tall weighing 66-121 lbs. Females are slightly larger and heavier than the males. Emus have shaggy, brown to grey-brown feathers on their body with small wings. Their feathers are double-shafted, long, and loose, and they are less water resistant than other birds. An emu’s head and neck are mostly bare and are bluish-black in color.


Adult emus are relatively free from predation and are able to defend themselves using their feet and nails to strike and rip. Dingoes or wedge-tailed eagles are their only natural predators.


In the wild, they usually live 10-20 years, but they can live up to 35 years in human care.


The male will build the nest out of twigs, leaves, and grass on the ground. The female will lay 11-20 eggs every 2-3 days and will lay up to 3 clutches per season. Once the eggs are laid, the female will leave the male and may find another male to mate with. The male will stay with the nest for 8 weeks until the eggs hatch. He will lose up to 1/3 of his body weight during this time because he does not leave the nest while incubating the eggs; he will only get up to turn the eggs and to tidy the nest.

Fun Facts

  • They cannot fly, but they can travel long distances at 30 mph and are capable of jumping up to 7 feet in the air!
  • Emus are the tallest bird native to Australia and are the second largest living bird.

Conservation Messaging

Emus are considered the largest native bird in Australia. They serve an important purpose for helping to preserve habitats by being seed dispersal specialists! They will often eat seeds whole then defecate and disperse them along the way.

Even though Emu’s are considered stable, they are facing some threats to their natural habitats. One major issue is logging and clearing land for agriculture and property development. More than 50% of Australia’s land mass is used for agricultural purposes!

One thing that we can do is support sustainable agriculture practices. By purchasing products that are certified such as Bird Friendly Coffee, you are helping in the conservation of forests and habitats around the world.

Gila Monster

Physical Description

Gila monsters are the largest lizard native to the US and can grow to be up to 22 inches long with stocky bodies. They have distinct color patterns of black with pink or orange and bead-like scales.


Some predators they may encounter include hawks, owls, coyotes, and snakes.


In the wild, they live an average of 20 years, but in human care, they have been known to live 30 years or more.


During the breeding season in early summer, males will sometimes compete for mates by wrestling. The female then digs a hole to lay 3-13 eggs, which will incubate for about 4 months.

Fun Facts

  • Gila monster venom is injected into their victim when they bite through grooves in their teeth. By chewing, they are able to inject additional venom.
  • They are one of the only 2 types of venomous lizard in the world (the other being the Mexican beaded lizard).

Conservation Messaging

In our Reptile and Amphibian (RAD) center you will find many different reptiles and amphibians including venomous and poisonous species of snakes and frogs. Many of these animals fall victim to habitat loss in the wild. Many of the species here are found in South American habitats which are subjected to deforestation, damming of rivers, water pollution, and poor agricultural and management practices.

Golden Eagle

Physical Description

Golden eagles range in color from black-brown to dark brown with a striking golden head and neck. They can reach up to 3ft in height with a wingspan of up to 7.5 ft and can weigh up to 15 lbs. Their eyes don’t move much in the eye socket, but an eagle can rotate its head about 270 degrees.


Adult golden eagles have little to fear from natural predators, although crows, jays, and other raptors often harass them.

Eagle chicks are not so lucky, as wolverines and grizzly bears may prey on them.


Golden eagles live up to 38 years in the wild, and up to 50 years under human care.


Golden eagle pairs usually mate for life and will build several nests in their territory. Courtship begins at the start of the year. Males will put on an aerial display where he folds his wings and drops headfirst until close to the ground, when he spreads his wings to soar aloft and repeat the action. Females will lay 2 eggs a few days apart between January and May. Chicks will remain in the nest for approximately 50 days.

Fun Facts

  • Golden eagles are often mistaken for juvenile bald eagles, as their coloration and size are very similar.
  • Eagles have about 7,000 feathers.

Conservation Messaging

Most of the Bird of Prey here at the zoo are all rehabilitated birds who have sustained different injuries deeming them unreleasable. These birds fall victim to debris found on the side of the road. If it’s an apple core, banana peel, or some discarded trash it will attract their prey items which will then attract the bird of prey. Birds of prey have tunnel vision when hunting and will often not see a car coming. One simple way we can help is to dispose of all your trash properly, even natural items like apple cores and banana peels.

Grey Fox

Physical Description

The grey fox is a smaller species with short, grizzled, grey fur with reddish highlights. Their average length from nose to the tip of their tail is 31-44 inches, and they will weigh anywhere from 7-13 lb.


Common predators they face are coyotes, bobcats, and large raptors, but they are known for being good at escaping. They will use their sharp claws and teeth to defend themselves.


In the wild, their average lifespan is 6-8 years, but in human care, they can live up to 15 years.


Usually, they will begin to form mating pairs in late winter and will breed in the spring. Grey Foxes are monogamous for the breeding season, and the couple will work together to support the offspring as they grow. The female will prepare the underground den while the male hunts. Their gestation period is approximately 2 months, and about 2-7 kits will be born.

Fun Facts

  • Their nickname is the “tree fox” because they are able to climb trees! They are 1 of only 2 species of the Canidae (dog family) able to climb trees.
  • They are primarily nocturnal but will hunt at dawn and dusk as well.

Conservation Messaging

Gray Foxes are not considered to be a threatened species but they do face habitat loss. Since these foxes live in areas with dense human populations, they are being driven out of their natural habitats by means of new development.

Red Kangaroo

Physical Description

Red Kangaroos are the largest living marsupial. Males, known as boomers, can weigh between 120-180lbs and stand around 5-6ft tall. Females, known as blue fliers, are smaller, weighing around 60-80lbs and stand around 4-5ft tall. They are named for the reddish-color fur of the males. Females are more of a bluish-grey in color.


Because of their large size and strong legs, most predators stay away. Dingoes will prey on kangaroos, and young kangaroos may be captured by raptors.


In the wild, the average lifespan of a Red kangaroo is 12-18 years. Under human care, they can live up to 25 years.


After a 33 day pregnancy, the new joey will crawl out of the mother’s womb and into the pouch; they will only be the size of a jellybean! Only 1 joey will be born at a time though the mother can nurse multiple different aged joeys at one time.

Fun Facts

  • When males fight to establish breeding rights, they appear to be “boxing” with their front limbs.
  • They live in small groups of 2-10 individuals with a single dominant male, several females, and their offspring.

Conservation Messaging

Although Red Kangaroos are currently listed as a species of least concern, just like many other Australian species they face many threats to their habitats. One major issue is logging and clearing land for agriculture and property development.

One thing that we can do is support sustainable agriculture practices. By purchasing products that are certified by organizations such as Bird Friendly, you are helping in the conservation of forests and habitats around the world.